Watch Declan McKenna and Declan McKenna’s Big Sunglasses do ‘Humongous’ on Conan

Seriously, these big rock stars.

You know the cliché about rock stars and sunglasses indoors? Of course you do, Dear Reader. You’re well versed in popular culture. Well, if those sunglasses are really, really big, does it mean the wearer is even more lost to the celebrity fuzz?

We only ask because our friend and yours Declan McKenna was on US telly the other night, returning to the scene of one of his breakthrough moments, Conan.

Performing the humongous ‘Humungous’, our Dec was sporting quite the eye wear. We just need to work out if we need to stage an intervention here, to be honest. In no way are we trying to pad out a story so the video embed works properly, and doesn’t muck up with the advert to the right when you read it on a laptop.

That enough? Lovely. Here’s Dec.