Watch Pale Waves welcome in ‘New Year’s Eve’ with this live session

T’is the season.

Pale Waves are pretty much guaranteed to have a brilliant 2018.

They’re releasing their debut EP early next year, having already teased what’s to come with the shimmering wonder of ‘New Year’s Eve‘.

You’ve probably already fallen in love with that heavenly track on record but now you can trip head over heels all over again with this live session. Check it out below.

The performance comes as Pale Waves are named one of Vevo dscvr’s Artists To Watch in 2018, which basically means they think they’re really good and want everyone else to know about it as well, which is nice. Check out the rest of the list (so far) here.

They’ve also got Heather and Ciara talking about being in Pale Waves, alongside some hype from music guy Phil Taggart.