Wolf Alice ain’t afraid of no ‘Ghoster’ with brand new track

New Wolf Alice! New Wolf Alice! There’s new Wolf Alice!

New Wolf Alice. There must be a klaxon for that one, somewhere, right? Some kind of four minute warning to other bands that the Wolfypocalypse is coming?

With last year’s debut ‘My Love Is Cool’ ripping up the everythings, storming to (almost) the top of the charts and setting up camp on the wireless, anything new from the fantastic foursome must surely be met with a mixture of excitement and intense anticipation. News they had something new on the soundtrack to this summer’s Ghostbusters film has flown ever-so-slightly under the radar – what with Zayn and 5SOS taking the spotlight and Fall Out Boy teaming up with Missy Elliot for a divisive theme – but that’s about to change. With the whole thing set to drop tomorrow (15th July), someone from a time-zone in the future has uploaded their contribution to ‘the internet’ already. Naughty naughty.

‘Ghoster’, see, is both an evolution of the Wolf Alice sound and a firming up everything they do best. Brash, snotty, trashy and brilliant, you can read our initial take here. Basically, we love this band.

Update: and here it is in its full glory, via Spotify.