When you have as varied a back catalogue as The Horrors, creating an atmosphere can be quite tricky – but not so for Faris and co, who find no issue in making their mark on the Obelisk Stage, where they sound better than ever before.
Glammed up with glitter, Faris patrols the stage looking out at the baying crowd. The 1975 fans have started arriving in their droves, so the band don’t quite receive the reception they deserve, but the set is perfectly executed. No note is forgotten, and the feeling from The Horrors, as if anyone could be in doubt, is that they’re here to stay.
‘Still Life’ comes through full of life, a track that marks both their severe departure from the original “Horrors” sound and also the bold evolution of which they’re capable. ‘Something To Remember Me By’ meanwhile is just that, a perfect reminder of who The Horrors are and where they’re going.