Yonaka unleash their Reading Festival party beast

While most people are having lunch, Yonaka are having the time of their lives.

Yonaka are party animals.

Even at the opening of the afternoon, they’re here for one single reason and that’s to have a bloody great time. Their music is loose and carefree, juddering from grimy rock and roll to something that glitters under bright city lights but instead of overthinking, over stating or trying to make apologies, they just roll with it.

And the crowd does as well.

‘Ignorance’ into ‘Drongo’ is a powerful shot and chaser, kicking things up a gear and dimming the lights, ‘All In My Head’ teeters on the edge of chaos and abandon before ‘Wouldn’t Wanna Be Ya’ pushes things over the edge. It’s up to ‘Bubblegum’ to stand underneath the chaos, catch it and twist it into something glorious.